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We’re crawling into us

my feet don’t patter

I try to stay down low

my senses shattered


We should hold on like this

while all this vanishes

If we could sneak a glimpse

while the world fractures


Come come if you want some

Rise rise if you need sun

Dank dank is your hellhole

Nigh nigh is the end, bro


Soul cannibals

Mad animals

Of life forsaken 

Of mind awakened


Underneath control

we want to eat you

In the night of your lies

we come to feed on you


Come come if you want some

Rise rise if you need sun

Dank dank is your hellhole

Nigh nigh is the end, bro


My siblings come 

out of the shadows

The forgotten rise

to dethrone the assholes


Shadows march in step

craving completion

We look forward to

your deletion


White flash 
cathode flick
I’m hooked on emergency
I latch my lips 
onto your image
Laugh through electricity
Give me abstract memories

Get down
Get up
I’m uninspired
I’m uninspired

Twist distort abort
Whatever you give me
I spit out again
Get out of my mind
Twisted and unkind
I’m sick of all your slogans 
Barging into my life

I slot them into my machine
And out they come

Twist distort abort


Everyone wants a piece of my mind

Everyone wants a piece of my ass

Everyone wants a piece of my body


Who is the other who speaks inside you?

Who is the third one who walks beside you?

What is the thing you call yourself?


Shoving images into my tract

shit leaking out of my cracks




Carving out a piece of my ass

pumping bullshit into my life




Everyone wants a piece of my mind

Everyone wants a piece of my ass

Everyone wants a piece of my body


Once my feet were on the ground

I used to think the world was round

I thought I was inside me


Crack it out and pump me in

I’m nothing but my sin

what’s mine is yours



Sticking nightmares into my brain

fucking me up with your shame




Everyone wants a piece of my mind

Everyone wants a piece of my ass

Everyone wants a piece of my body


What is the thing that you despise

Who is the monkey on your back

The virus of the insect mind


Everyone wants a piece of my mind

Everyone wants a piece of my ass

Everyone wants a piece of my body



I saw the best minds of my generation

shivering under the dead lights of giant corporations


I saw the best minds of my generation

turned lawyers, madmen, checkout chicks


I saw the best minds of my generation

licking needle pricks in empty stations


I saw the best minds of my generation

shopping at discount stores without hope of salvation


I saw the best minds of my generation

languishing in dead end jobs


I saw the best minds of my generation

with hundred-year mortgages

indebted to their eyeballs


I saw the best minds of my generation

back to the home and the family 

back to the simple virtues


I saw the best minds of my generation

screaming when they thought no one was listening


I saw the best minds of my generation

becoming smoke

fading into nothing


I saw the best minds of my generation

yellowing in hospitals


I saw the best minds of my generation

without a face

leaving no trace


I saw the best minds of my generation

screams gagged in the rush of acceleration


I saw the best minds of my generation

wheezing past without a whimper


I saw the best minds of my generation

Not with a bang but with a whimper

Not with a howl but with a shiver



Give me just a piece of your love

make me

take me


Give me just a piece of your love

drip drip drip


Let me touch a piece of your soul

take me

make me


Let me taste a drop of that heart

take me

let me


Let me taste a piece of your love

make me

take me

break me


make me


Cast me out onto another land

take me

break me

save me


I've been ready for you for so long

make me

make me

take me

break me

break me


Give me just a piece of your love

drip drip drip

kiss kiss


Let me taste a piece of your love

let me 

take me

break me

make me

save me

drip drip drip


Give me just a piece of your love

take me

break me

let me

take me

break me


Soul cannibals

Music + lyrics:
dr. sander cavaric

Vocals + gtr + bass + machines:
dr. sander cavaric



Whimper / Twist distort abort / P.I.E.C.E.

Music: dr. sander cavaric + dr raj "the murderer" c
Lyrics: dr sander cavaric
Vocals + gtr + bass:  
dr sander cavaric
Machines + keys:
dr raj "the murderer" c     


Break me

Music + noise: dr. sander cavaric + dan "the man"  

Lyrics:  dr. sander cavaric

Vocals: lucila gonzález

Recorded at Zen Studios (Sydney) & Creadores (Bariloche). Produced & engineered by Gabriel Pirato Mazza. (c) Machinic Demiurge 2021.


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